Prof. Yadvinder Malhi

Yadvinder Malhi is Professor of Ecosystem Science at the School of Geography and the Environment, Programme Leader in Ecosystems at the Environmental Change Institute at Oxford and a Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. His research interests focus on interactions between forest ecosystems and the global atmosphere, with a particular focus on their role in global carbon, energy and water cycles, and in understanding how the ecology of natural and alteretde ecosystems may be shifting in response to global atmospheric change. More recently his interests have expanded to include the impacts and limitation of tropical deforestation.
The major focus of his work is understanding the interactions between forest ecosystems and the atmosphere. This includes the cycling of carbon, water and nutrients, the climatic controls on ecosystem metabolism and biomass, and more recently, assessing the impacts of land use change and the potential of forest protection to mitigate global climate change. His research techniques combine the diverse disciplines of ecological and forest field surveys, ecophysiological measurements, micrometeorological field techniques, satellite remote sensing, vegetation-atmosphere modelling, and social science. He has a particular interest in tropical forests worldwide, and has established the Global Ecosystems Monitoring Network (GEM: to monitor forests ranging from the high Andes, across the vastness of Amazonia through the Congo Basin and highlands of East Africa to the heart of Borneo.
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Selected Publications
- Malhi, Y., Adu-Bredu, S., Asare, R.A., Lewis, S.L., Mayaux, P. 2013 Synthesis: African rainforests: past, present and future. Phil Trans R Soc B 368: 20120312.
- Malhi, Y. (2012) The productivity, metabolism and carbon cycle of tropical forest vegetation. Journal of Ecology, 100(1): 65-75.
- Zelazowski, P., Malhi, Y., Huntingford, C., Sitch, S. and Fisher, J.B. (2011) Changes in the potential distribution of humid tropical forests on a warmer planet. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 369(1934): 137-160.
- Malhi, Y., Aragão, L.E.O.C., Galbraith, D., Huntingford, C., Fisher, R., Zelazowski, P., Sitch, S., McSweeney, C., and Meir, P. (2009) Exploring the likelihood and mechanism of a climate-change-induced dieback of the Amazon rainforest. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106: 20610-20615.
- Malhi, Y., Roberts, J.T., Betts, R.A. (2008) Climate change and the fate of the Amazon. Thematic Issue of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society – Biological Sciences, 363, 1727-1932.
- Malhi, Y., Roberts, J.T., Betts, R.A., Killeen, T.J., Li, W. and Nobre, C.A. (2008) Climate change, deforestation and the fate of the Amazon. Science, 319(5860): 169-172.
- Malhi, Y. and Grace, J. (2000) Tropical forests and atmospheric carbon dioxide. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 15: 332-337.