Dr. Erik van Sebille

Dr. Erik Van Sebille
Dr Erik van Sebille
ARC DECRA fellow and lecturer
Dr Erik van Sebille is an AR Research Fellow at the Climate Change Research Centre at the University of New South Wales, and an Associate Investigator at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science. Erik studies the pathways and time scales of water as it circulates around the oceans. He is particularly interested in the connection between the different ocean basins, and what determines how much water ‘leaks’ from one ocean basin into another. This typically occurs in regions of the ocean (south of South Africa and south of Australia) which are dominated by large amounts of variability. Particularly in these regions, but also elsewhere in the ocean, pathways of water parcels are complicated and seemingly chaotic and bear very little resemblance to the classic textbook pictures of the global ocean circulation. Erik’s primary goal is to create a global picture of the ocean circulation from the trajectories and time scales of these looping, eddy-driven water parcels.For more detail on Erik’s research work go to: http://erik.vansebille.com/science/home.html